viernes, 31 de julio de 2009
Con tus manitas: todo un dungeon bien protegido
Well how about that? You know you love Danger Crafts knitting patterns, but I bet you can't just knit one! How about a great deal on 5 instead?
You can pick from Herman the Enigmatic Bear, Maddox the Mischievous Monster, Beatrice and Bernard the Inseparable Bunny and Bear, Albert the Absent-Minded Monster, Frances the Charismatic Monster, Chester the Bashful Bunny, Olivia the Audacious Monster, Penelope the Empathetic Monster, Wasabi the Gregarious Pug, Robbie the Radiant Robot, Tofu the Gentle Dachshund, and brand new Daphne and Delilah the Mamma and Baby Monster. Please include in the notes at checkout which pattern you would like (remember to include the best email for you as well). And talk about instant gratification, you can get started knitting today since I will email your 5 patterns to you within 24 hours of purchase. If you don't let me know which patterns you would like at checkout I will default to the first 5 (herman, maddox, beatrice and bernard, albert, and frances).
These lovely knitting patterns are clearly written with lots and lots of pictures and unlimited email help from me if you get stumped. Please check each individual pattern listing for more pattern details.
These patterns are copyright Rebecca Danger/Danger Crafts. If you would like to sell finished items using these instructions we are OK with that as long as you let your customers know the pattern used is from Danger Crafts at the time of purchase (packaging, in etsy listing, etc). Oh, and as long as you send us an email with pictures of course!
No pares, quiero quedarme en tus brazos
Enjoy the beautiful French-made Spanish animation movie "En Tus Brazos" about how nothing can stop a tango dancing couple ... not even fate. It abounds with creativity, sentiment and argentine tango.
Directed by François-Xavier Goby Edouard Jouret and Matthieu Landour. France 2005. Presented on festivals in San Diego (Siggraph 2007, Award of Excellence), Annecy (France), Argentina (Mar del Plata), Poland (ReAnimacja), Auch (France), Miami (Romance), Spain (Animac), California (San Diego), Monaco (Imagina), France (Valenciennes), Bristol, Séoul and Paris. Original version on Production: Supinfocom Valenciennes Distribution: Premium Films
Music (first part): "En Tus Brazos" by Alfredo de Angelis and Oscar Larroca (vocal). Composition by Carlos Zárate. Lyric by Elizardo Martínez Vilas (Marvil).
"Yo me cegué en tus ojazos y fui a caer en tus brazos. Y entre tus brazos yo fui feliz, porque te amé con delirio. Yo fui a caer en tus brazos y así llegué hasta el martirio. Te juro que enloquecí,
cuando por dentro me vi, y comprendí lo que hacía. Quiero mirar hacia Dios, aunque me muerda el dolor, aunque me cueste morir"
Music (final part): "El Huracán" by Edgardo Donato. Composition by Osvaldo Donato
The "new vintage"
Collectors like Hollister, left, and Porter Hovey, sisters with an appetite for late 19th-century relics like apothecary cabinets and dressmakers' dummies, are turning their homes into pastiches of the past.
The Hoveys' loft in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, has no windows, which means more wall space for deer heads.
The sisters are watching their antiquarian interests, which date back to their childhood in Kansas, crest in their hipster-Brooklyn neighborhood, where every act seems framed in quotation marks.
Taxidermy, clubby insignia and ancestral portraits have been decorative staples at trendy Lower East Side restaurants and clothing stores for a while, but now they are catching on at home. Sean Crowley, a neckware designer at Ralph Lauren who lives with his girlfriend, Meredith Modzelewski, has a voracious interest in, for example, the restoration of English and French umbrellas from the 1930s and '40s.
Their Fort Greene, Brooklyn, apartment is chockablock with Edwardian-style portraits, heraldic devices and mounted antlers.
The link between Mr. Crowley's objects and his impulse to acquire them isn't nostalgia, he said. It's '"the draw of authenticity, whether it's an aesthetic, a recipe or a technique."
Bill, our new yeti
Bill the Yeti
Bill the Yeti is just about here! Bill is about 8 inches in height and weighs in at over one pound. He has authentic clothing, coming with a hat, overalls, shirt and even undies! Oh, and because Bill likes to run around naked when the mood strikes, he’s got a the backpack that can hold all his clothes. Each version is limited to only 250 pieces and I will have a special SDCC print as well.
Walking around the forest, woods or anyplace less traveled while in a constant state of amazement, Bill loves just looking at the ground and counting bugs or climbing trees for better views. People love to stop and take his photo (although sometimes he’s a little shy about it), but Bill prefers the quiet life of discovery and exploration.
jueves, 30 de julio de 2009
Eguzkilore zilarretan bihurtu
Eguzkilore® es la joya basada en la vieja tradición vasca de colocar una flor de cardo seca en la puerta de entrada de los caseríos para proteger el hogar. Esta costumbre, que todavía puede observarse en algunos pueblos, es una creencia tan antigua como el propio sol, del que la flor ha tomado nombre, ya que Eguzkilore significa "flor del sol".
Esta flor vuelve a nuestro tiempo en forma de una joya que nos cuenta una vieja historia y nos traslada a los orígenes, cuando las fuerzas naturales guiaban nuestro mundo espiritual...
Al principio de los tiempos, el sol era uno de los poderes más relevantes que guiaban el mundo. Sus propiedades alcanzaban mucho más allá de los beneficios naturales que proporcionaba para el desarrollo de la vida humana, atribuyéndosele grandes poderes místicos.
En nuestra tierra este poder estaba simbolizado, entre otros muchos elementos, por el Eguzkilore. Colocándolo en la entrada del caserío otorgaba la protección del sol a sus moradores. Con él "la casa" estaba segura ante los espíritus que habitaban en la noche, ante la tormenta o el trueno.
Para los vascos, la palabra "casa", Etxe, tenía un significado más amplio que el edificio físico o que el concepto "hogar". Etxe era un lugar espiritual, un templo en el que sus habitantes vivían en armonía con los antepasados, a los que se hacía ofrendas. Era también donde se daba sepultura a los difuntos, un lugar sagrado. Esta "casa" estaba protegida por la lumbre de la chimenea y por símbolos como el Eguzkilore.
La historia del Eguzkilore ha llegado hasta nuestros días envuelta en leyendas que se contaban durante la noche, a la luz de la lumbre de los caseríos, transmitidas de abuelos a nietos, de generación en generación...
"Durante la noche, las Lamias -personajes de la mitología vasca- se acercaban a los caseríos donde había un recién nacido para llevárselo con ellas. Cuando llegaban a la puerta, tan sólo tenían que contar los pétalos del Eguzkilore colgado y decir el número en alto para traspasar el umbral y alcanzar el objetivo deseado.
Pero estas deidades femeninas no dominaban los números y esta flor tiene gran cantidad de pétalos, así que comenzaban -1, 2, 3, 4,...- y siempre se equivocaban, teniendo que volver a empezar a contar. Así sucedía una y otra vez... hasta que el sol lanzaba sus primeros rayos. Las Lamias huían despavoridas por su poder y se retiraban a sus cuevas... para seguir intentándolo noche tras noche, según dice la leyenda, sin éxito."
miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009
Vinyl toys
Strange toys. Porque nunca se tienen suficientes juguetes
StrangeCo ~ the wondrous purveyors of the peculiar ~ and probably one of my favorite toy distributors of all time ~ so many awesome collectibles and amusements that live under my monitors, and i love that in the last year or so they even made the move to truly making toys for all ages with fun plush toys for young’ns that are of awesome quality and really fun designer characters (i.e. TokiDoki, FriendsWithYou, Somewhere City)… definitely been my go to for kids presents when i’m at a loss…
SO, today we’re giving away a set of their latest, a nice mix for all ages! In the bundle are:
- Mr. TTT - Rainbow ~ the awesome plushy FriendsWithYou creature that comes apart to amuse and delight kids
- Julie West’s Limited Edition Bumble & Tweet Tree Edition ~ so special, i don’t even have somewhere to link you, but lots of close ups on the next page!
- TokiDoki’s Captain Coco
Whether you split these up as stocking stuffers, hoard them for your own collection, or open them and go nuts… i leave that up to you! Afterall, toys are for enjoying!!!
Para dormir arropaditos
Part of a new growing collection of Limited Edition Cushions & Pillows designed by some of the world’s leading artists and illustrators.
Constructed of super soft faux suede – printed one side – with a plain back of either black or white dependent on design. Each has a feather filled inner.
We only print 250 of each design and each cushion is delivered with a Certificate of Authenticity.
Covers are printed in non-toxic waterbased inks.
These really are lovely items - the internet really doesn't do them justice. With low - cost International shipping to anywhere in the world!
Red ninja
Home forest
It’s somehow becoming paper art week here at NOTCOT ~ after the many incredible artists showing at Papershapers, i just keep finding MORE! Late night obsessing over the 3D works of young British artist & maker: Lizzie Thomas!
Her 3D micro-paper-sculptures unfold like pocket sized mythical worlds and forests tucked away in little hinged wooden boxes. One can only imagine the beautiful shadows they would cast on a wall if a candle was carefully lit beside them (perhaps this is where the paper aspect may not work as well?).
All humans!
It’s hard to squish a robot and write a post all at once. On awesome packages, Diesel Sweeties sent over this big box and out popped a SQUISHABLE Crocheted Robot (yes its a little obese an a little disproportionate, perhaps more like a baby-bot? not quite full grown to CRUSH HUMANS! yet?) ~ and his Crush All Humans! Book…. complete with a signed/illustrated CRUSH JEAN! page with tiny red markerbots flying around!
Caution: Sleeping bears. Schsssss
martes, 28 de julio de 2009
¿A dónde conducen las elecciones? El camino que hemos andado, ¿ha dependido de cuanto hemos elegido o es una simple trayectoria marcada por quienes somos? Como si quienes somos pudiera ser una suerte de mapa determinista negador de la libertad que marca la pauta, la elección, el único camino desde el momento que somos quienes somos. Todo lo que vamos a elegir está contenido ya en la dura madre de la mente, puede ser previsto, (¿no es la predicción la meta de la ciencia?)puede saberse con antelación barajando un finito número de variables dependientes de nuestra personalidad, vivencias y anhelos. Lo que somos nos hace ser. Pero el ser no es un proceso acabado, estamos siendo y volviendo a ser a cada instante, cambiando, creciendo, añorando, buscando, con cada aliento. ¿Estaría aquí de haber elegido otras cosas?, ¿si pudiera volver al pasado y acabar con las fuentes del dolor habría logrado una vida mejor?
Lo único cierto es que volviendo sobre las huellas que he ido dejando puedo conocerme mejor.
Lagos de palabras Alas de murciélago
"I claim no credit for being the original artist on any of the signs, not even the signs that are my own.
That's why all sign comments say:
"High-res recreation from webfind, suitable for printing"
So don't bother tell my that you have seen the original sign. I know.
Many of the signs have been on the internet for years. Warning sign 5 is probably the most famous.
I'm not in it for the money, which is why all the signs can be downloaded in full size. You can buy a print from Deviantart if you want to support them or you can print them yourself. I don't care.
I belive in sharing."
Cogito ergo doleo
Henrik Hjkiddk
lunes, 27 de julio de 2009
Ami and the Cool Hunting kids clearly had tons of fun with Kidlandia ~ and i had to try it too! Sure it's for little kids ~ but its like mad libs for a playful crazy MAP! Anyhow, check out NOTland ~ and close ups on the next page! According to CH - "Kidlandia, a website that lets you create personalized fantasy maps for kids, evolved from illustrator, entrepreneur and former Disney producer Brian Backus' intricate, personalized maps that he started making a few years ago."
The Dragon Scout - Switcheroo
There is something undeniably amusing about dragons… and girl scouts? Especially when put together by Amanda Visell and her Switcheroo! Unfortunately i was still in NY when the big Dragon Scout vinyl toy release and party went down, but i was giddy to come home to a surprise package from her with one of the Green Dragon Scouts ~ with one girl scout freaking out, and one in its belly, and a little fire!
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